Webb Institute Strategic Plan

Webb Institute - Couch Academic Center 2020

The Strategic Plan for Webb Institute was prepared by the Planning Committee and the Administration at the request of the Board of Trustees. It results from work initiated in late 2017 – including extensive surveys, interviews, and white papers – and a two-day Retreat of stakeholders and industry/academic experts held on campus in April 2018.

Mission Statement

To inspire and educate tomorrow’s leaders in an extraordinary learning community focused on engineering and design in the marine field.

Webb Institute:

  • Provides a rigorous education in the principles of engineering and the fundamentals of naval architecture, marine engineering, shipbuilding, and related marine technologies;
  • Develops skills that will enable graduates to become leaders in, and make significant contributions to, their chosen profession and the wider community;
  • Instills in graduates the highest ethical standards and sense of professionalism;
  • Cultivates curiosity in the arts, sciences, and humanities, and provides the background and encouragement necessary to support lifelong learning; and
  • Perpetuates the values of William H. Webb.

Goals and objectives

This plan encompasses goals in seven areas:

  1. Academic program
  2. Faculty and staff
  3. Community
  4. Student recruitment
  5. Recognition
  6. Infrastructure
  7. Resources

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At its annual meeting on October 15th, 2020, the Board of Trustees reaffirmed its commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion at Webb. The Board’s DEI Committee, formed in 2019 to help inform DEI-related initiatives in Webb’s Strategic Plan, is tasked with presenting a DEI Plan to the Board at its February 2021 meeting. The plan is to contain actionable and accountable initiatives that will expand diversity of students, faculty, staff, and trustees and provide a pathway towards a more equitable and inclusive campus environment.