Professor of Naval Architecture
Ph.D., Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2010
M.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of New Orleans, 1998
B.S., Naval Engineering, “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy and Constanta Maritime University, 1993
- Professor of Naval Architecture, 2020 – Present
- Associate Professor of Naval Architecture, 2013 – 2020
- Assistant Professor of Naval Architecture, 2011 – 2013
- Director, Circulating Water Channel/PIV System, 2012 – Present
- Adjunct Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2009 – Present
- Hydrodynamics Specialist, Research on nonlinear roll damping, validation work on potential flow code, Navatek Ltd., 2014
- Principal Investigator, Atlantic Center for Innovative Ship Design and Control of Small Ships, Performed hydrodynamic analysis using potential flow code on multihull vessels, Webb Institute, 2011 – 2014
- Naval Architect/Tonnage Coordinator, Performed tonnage calculations on ocean going vessels, consulting/verification work with nonlinear potential flow code HydroD/WASIM and FEA program Sesam/GeniE, DNV GL, 2013 – 2014
- FEA structural analysis, 2013 – 2014
- Naval Architect/Tonnage Coordinator, Performed tonnage calculations on ocean going vessels, verification of nonlinear potential flow hydrodynamic analysis and FEA structural analysis, Det Norske Veritas, 2011 – 2013
- Naval Architect/Plan Approval, Conducted newbuilding class surveys on ocean-going car carriers and high speed ferries, performed tonnage calculations on ocean going vessels, design assessment and class surveys of diesel engines and control and monitoring systems, verification of nonlinear potential flow hydrodynamic analysis and FEA structural analysis code, Det Norske Veritas, 1999 – 2011
- Research Assistant, Performed research on hydrofoil catamaran hydrodynamics and structural analysis using FEA, University of New Orleans, 1997 – 1998
- Deck Officer/Naval Engineer, Operation and class surveys of ocean-going vessels, supervise dry docking operations, Klaveness Group/Kassos/Petromin S.A., 1993 – 1997
Work Experience:
Over twenty-five years of experience in the Maritime Industry in Europe and the United States including four years at sea. This experience includes work with ships and mobile offshore units classification plan approval, certification of materials, components and systems, newbuilding surveys including sea trials, shipyard and marine product quality assessments.
Carried-out, verified and coordinated the execution of tonnage calculations and confirmatory surveys for newbuildings, conversions and operating ships and mobile offshore units under U.S. Flag and foreign Flag. Single point of contact (POC) for DNV in North America to USCG, Marine Safety Center (MSC-4) for tonnage admeasurement under USCG Alternate Compliance Program (ACP).
Research experience in the high-speed towing tank at Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology with monohull and multihull models. Research work included calm water resistance, roll damping, forced roll and dynamic stability.
Research experience with nonlinear ship motion program WASIM, including time-domain simulations of roll decay, forced roll and parametric roll resonance in regular seas; frequency-domain simulation experience, including the study of trimaran roll response in beam/oblique seas and the resonant wave trapping modes in forced roll and forced heave oscillations. Investigated two nonlinear roll damping models using forced roll tests with a specially designed forced roll apparatus.
Additional research efforts involved studying the tank wall effects on trimaran roll added mass and radiation damping and validation of forced roll oscillation simulations in WASIM. Numerical towing tank implementation in WASIM was validated by experimental investigation of the hydrodynamic coefficients of a monohull and trimaran in restricted channels at forward speed.
Involved in logistics, work verification and reporting of results related to towing tank and ocean basin tests on a flexible model of a high-speed vessel in regular and irregular seas in order to verify the analytical predictions of the hull girder structural loading, including slamming induced whipping, and confirming the operational profile.
At Webb:
- Ship Vibrations
- Naval Architecture V: Ship Dynamics
- Hydrodynamics
- Ship Design III
As an adjunct at Stevens Institute of Technology:
- OE 520 Design of Marine Structures (Ship Motions)
- OE 532 Total Ship Design II (Ship Structures)
- Daidola, J.C. and Onas, A.S. – “Further Evaluation of Displacement Ship Resistance Reduction by Fore-to Aft Pressure Re-distribution”, Proceedings of 2023 SNAME Maritime Convention, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Hartigan, C.J. and Onas, A.S. – “Unsteady Numerical Hydrodynamics of a Rowing Shell Under Surge Excitation”, Proceedings of 2022 SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, TX, USA.
- Onas, A.S. and Falls, J. – “On the Nonlinear Response of a Tri-SWACH Vessel in Incident Waves”, 2022 Journal of Ship Production and Design No. 38 (03): 140–147.
- Ng, G.W., DeNapoli, M.J. and Onas, A.S. – “PIV-based Hydrodynamic Analysis of a 2D Lifting Body Using Near-Field Flow Kinematics”, Proceedings of 2021 SNAME Maritime Convention, Providence, RI, USA.
- Pierce, M.W., Tinnell, T.T. and Onas, A.S. – “Effect of Nonlinear Geometric Twist on Hydrodynamic Performance of Hydrofoils with Bell-Shaped Spanloads”, Proceedings of 2020 SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, TX, USA.
- Husser, N.A., Brizzolara, S. and Onas, A.S. – “An Investigation of Residual Hydroelastic Response of a 3D Printed Propeller at Low Reynolds Numbers”, Proceedings of 2020 SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, TX, USA.
- Harris, W.R. and Onas, A.S. – “Effect of Moonpool Geometry on Calm Water Resistance”, Proceedings of 2019 SNAME Maritime Convention, Tacoma, WA, USA.
- Husser, N. and Onas, A.S. – “An Investigation of Turbulence Stimulation on 3D Printed Model Propellers”, Proceedings of 2018 SNAME Maritime Convention, Providence, RI, USA; pending publication in the 2018 SNAME Transactions.
- Onas, A.S. and Falls, J. – “Nonlinear Response of a Tri-SWACH Vessel in Rough Weather”, Proceedings of 2017 FAST Conference, Nantes, France.
- Onas, A.S., Royce, R.A., Heshiki, Z., Piro, D.J. and Doherty, P. – “Unsteady Behavior of Partially-ventilated Transom Flows in Waves”, 2016 SNAME Transactions Volume 124. p. 124-143.
- Stojanovic, I., Muk-Pavic, E., Bucknall, R., Falls, J., Onas, A.S. and Datla, R. – “Experimental Investigation of Roll and Heave Motions of Tri-SWACH ships”, 2015 FAST Conference, Washington, D.C., USA
- Onas, A.S., Falls, J. and Stojanovic, I. – “Seakeeping Analysis of a SWATH-type trimaran using Potential Flow”, Proceedings of 2015 FAST Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Onas, A.S. and Datla, R. – “Nonlinear Roll Motions of a Frigate-type Trimaran”, Proceeding of 2011 FAST Conference, Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Attend SNAME Annual meetings/Maritime Conventions (ongoing)
- Attend SNAME/ASNE New York Metropolitan Section meetings (ongoing)
- Attend ABET meetings (ongoing)
- Attend MSCHE meetings (ongoing)
- Attend research meetings with the ONR Research group (ongoing)
- Attended Simerics/Orca3D CFD Training, 2018
- Attended the Annual Tonnage Conference at the USCG Marine Safety Center (MSC-4), 2008-2012
- Attended NTNU, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) meeting, Oslo, Norway, 2009
- Attended research meetings with the Atlantic Center for the Innovative Design and Control of Small Ships (ACCeSS), 2007-2017
- CD-Adapco Star CCM+ training, 2013
- LaVision PIV Training, 2012
- Det Norske Veritas, Ph.D. Scholarship, 2006 – 2009
- Torvald Klaveness Cadet Fellowship, 1993
- Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
- American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE)
- International Hydrofoil Society (IHS)
- Chair of SNAME T&R, Hydrodynamics Committee, 2020 – Present
- Chair of SNAME T&R, Seakeeping Characteristics Panel (H-07), 2020 – Present
- Member of SNAME T&R, Steering Committee, 2020 – Present
- Member of SNAME T&R, Panel Chairs, 2020 – Present
- Member of SNAME T&R, Marine Forensics Committee, 2020 – Present
- Ph.D. Committee member, Stevens Institute of Technology (2015 – 2016), Dissertation of McNally, Jim., “Optimization of a Wave Energy Converter using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm”
- Ph.D. Committee member, Stevens Institute of Technology (2012 – 2013), Dissertation of Paredes, Ruben J., “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics applied to fluid-structure interaction problems involving hydroelastic response”
- Member of the U.S. Delegation at the IMO/SLF55 – 2013