Early Decision – October 16
Regular Decision – January 16
Each year, Webb fills the incoming class with 28 intellectually curious, tenacious, and service-oriented students who are passionate about what we do and who will contribute to our dynamic learning environment. To apply to Webb, students are required to submit the Common Application, including the Webb-specific member questions, and all admissions requirements. The Common Application for the following academic year becomes available on August 30 and must be submitted by the Early Decision or Regular Decision deadlines by 11:59 pm in the applicant’s local time zone on that date.
Webb Application Process
Admissions Process
The admissions process at Webb Institute is a holistic one. Every aspect of a student’s application is considered within context and helps to inform the Admissions Committee’s decision. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to ude.bbew@snoissimda.
More Information Webb’s Application Process:
Visiting Webb
Webb is currently hosting tours of campus led by a member of the Office of Admissions or Webb student.
If you are unable to visit campus, we can also bring Webb to you! We invite you to explore the Webb campus with our 360° Virtual Tour and/or to reach out to ude.bbew@snoissimda to schedule a chat with an admissions counselor, faculty member, or current student. Furthermore, keep an eye on our website for upcoming WEBBinars.
High School Academic Experience
Webb Institute fully supports the pedagogical and administrative decisions your high school has made in order to assist your community through the pandemic. If your school has adopted alternative grading methods (i.e., pass/fail) in lieu of a letter or numerical grade or if your school changed its course offerings, please be assured that you will not be disadvantaged for such accommodations in Webb’s application review process. Webb recommends that prospective Webbies include any information regarding changes to their academic experience due to the COVID pandemic in the relevant section of the Common Application.
Extracurricular Activities and Summer Experiences
We understand that disruptions due to the COVID pandemic may have altered the trajectory of your extracurricular pursuits or summer programs. Please understand that we will review the activities portion of your application within this context.
Webb requires that all students submit an SAT or ACT with their application. Students can also submit an AP or IB score in addition to their SAT or ACT scores. Students can self-report their scores on the application itself, send a screenshot of their scores to ude.bbew@snoissimda or send an official score report from CollegeBoard or ACT. Webb understands that standardized testing options around the world were affected by the pandemic. If you would like to include further information about this, you can include it on the relevant section of the Common Application.
Financial Aid
Due to the generosity of several foundations and Webb alumni and friends, Webb has been able to meet the full demonstrated financial need of all students above and beyond Webb’s full-tuition scholarship using minimal loans. Webb continues to seek funds to meet this goal for future years.
Early Decision (October 16)
Webb offers an Early Decision option for those of you who have decided that Webb is your first-choice school. In order to be considered for Early Decision, you must submit your application by the deadline and submit all required materials within a week of the deadline. Incomplete applications will be rolled over into the Regular Decision pool.
In early November, finalists will be selected and invited to spend the night on campus, during which they will be interviewed by our President and a faculty member. Finalists will also be asked to complete a short math assessment and other assessment. These visits typically occur between mid-November and early December. Final admissions decisions, which include acceptances, deferrals and denials for all Early Decision candidates will be released by mid-December. Students who are accepted have until February 15th to submit their Enrollment Form and a $1000 Enrollment Deposit. If accepted to Webb under our Early Decision plan, you must withdraw all applications from other colleges and universities. Note that if you are seeking financial aid for Room and Board, you do not need to withdraw your other applications until after you have received notification from Webb regarding your financial aid package.
Regular Decision (January 16, 2025)
Approximately 3/4 of Webb’s applicant pool applies Regular Decision. In order to be considered for Regular Decision, you must submit your admissions application by the deadline and submit all required materials within two weeks of the deadline.
In late February, finalists will be selected and invited to spend the night on campus, during which they will be interviewed by the Webb Institute President and a Webb faculty member and be asked to take a short math assessment and respond to a writing prompt. These finalist visits occur during the month of March. Final decisions for all candidates will be released by April 1st and students have until May 1st to submit their Enrollment Form and $1000 Enrollment Deposit. Note that accepted students who qualify for financial need have a reduced enrollment deposit.
Transfer Students:
If, as of today, you have already earned your high school diploma AND have taken courses at a college or university as a full-time or part-time student, you are considered by Webb Institute to be a transfer applicant. However, note that all students who are accepted to Webb, regardless of educational background, number of college credits, AP scores, etc. begin their Webb experience as first-semester freshmen. Approximately 1 to 3 students in each class of 28 are transfer applicants.
The admissions requirements for transfer applicants include:
- Common Application for Transfer (www.CommonApp.org)
- Non-Refundable $70 Application Fee or Fee Waiver*
- Official High School Transcript and College Transcript(s). Note that all students must have completed coursework in Calculus I and Physics at the high school or college level.
- SAT or ACT (No more than 2 years old) SAT/ACT will be required for those applying to the Class of 2029)
- Two (2) Letters of Recommendation (preferably one from a math or science teacher / professor)
- Proof of Citizenship (i.e., birth certificate, valid US passport, US permanent resident card (This requirement is for students who are selected as finalists in Webb’s Admissions Process)
- If applying for Financial Aid above and beyond Webb’s full-tuition scholarship, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
To apply as a transfer applicant, the student must submit a Transfer Application through the Common Application.
Non-US Citizens
Only US Citizens and Permanent Residents are currently eligible for Webb’s full-tuition scholarship and for Financial Aid.
Admissions Requirements:
The admissions requirements for non-US citizens are the same as the admissions requirements for all applicants, with the exception of required testing. Non-US citizens who have completed their studies outside of the United States in a region where English is not the primary language must certify proficiency in English when you apply to Webb. To do so, please submit your scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), which is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
Homeschool Applicants
- We ask that all homeschooled applicants submit a supplement to the application that provides the Admissions Committee with a better picture of their homeschool environment and curriculum.
- All homeschooled applicants are required to take a Physics and Chemistry course with a lab. This may mean taking the course through the local high school or at a local college or university. A homeschooled applicant should also submit an SAT/ACT and/or may submit AP exam or IB exam score in math or the sciences to provide additional context. Please note that Webb Institute evaluates every applicant holistically, including those who are homeschooled.
Transition to SAT/ACT-required policy: Students who prepared to apply on the basis of Webb’s prior test-optional policy should contact the Office of Admissions.
Superscoring Policy: Webb recommends that you report all of your available standardized test scores so that the Admissions Committee is certain to review the strongest score in each category, across all of the exam(s) you’ve taken. You may, however, choose to submit superscores.
Our College Board SAT code is 2970. Our ACT code is 2987.
Admissions Timeline for the Class of 2029:
August 1 | Common Application Opens |
October 16 | Early Decision Deadline |
FAFSA for Early Decision candidates must be submitted by November 1 | |
Finalists are selected and invited to campus throughout the month of November | |
Decision letters are mailed out in mid-December | |
January 16 | Regular Decision Deadline |
FAFSA is due for students requesting Financial Aid above and beyond Webb’s full-tuition scholarship by Feb 15 | |
Finalists are selected and invited to campus in late February / early March | |
Admissions Decision letters are mailed out by April 1 | |
April 15 | Estimated Financial Aid Packages are emailed to all admitted students |
Application Requirements & Finalist Visit
Application Requirements:
Regular emails will be sent to you at the email address provided on your application regarding missing application requirements. Please note that while the admissions application must be submitted by 11:59 pm in your local time on the deadline, the additional application requirements must be submitted within one week of the Early Decision deadline or two weeks of the Regular Decision deadline for your application to be reviewed.
Common Application
- Webb-specific Questions and Essay: In addition to the Common Application, Webb asks a few additional Webb-specific questions and includes an optional essay– “Why Webb or Why Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering?” A student’s response to the optional essay questions can help Webb determine fit.
- Extracurricular Activities: In addition to evaluating academic fit, the Admissions Committee looks for ways a student may contribute to the community as a whole. The Committee assesses the type and level of involvement, how the student may have contributed to the activity or served as a leader for the activity, or how their efforts contributed to the broader community. The Common Application allows students to list up to ten different activities, but please note that applicants do not need to fill every space. Some of the most successful applicants are deeply engaged in just a few activities. Applicants also have the opportunity to upload a resume, which can include further detail regarding the activities you are involved in.
- Additional Information Section: The Common Application has an Additional Information Section. Students are welcomed to include any additional information that they would like the Admissions Committee to know about them.
$70 Application Fee or Fee Waiver*
*students can request a fee waiver via the Common Application under the “Profile” tab. Typically, students who meet at least one of the following indicators of economic need qualify for a fee waiver:
- The student receives or is eligible to receive an ACT/SAT testing fee waiver
- The student is enrolled in or is eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program (FRPL)
- The student’s annual family income falls within the income eligibility guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
- The student is enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as Upward Bound)
- The student’s family receives public assistance
- The student lives in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or is homeless
- The student is a ward of the state or an orphan
- The student can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader
Note that such students may also qualify for financial assistance in Webb’s Prospective Freshman finalist process, which requires that students travel to campus. Webb will refer to the student’s FAFSA to determine the amount of financial assistance.
High School Transcript including Senior Grades and College Transcript (if applicable)
All applicants are required to send their High School transcript and, if applicable, their college transcript(s) to Webb. These transcripts must come directly from the high school or college through the Common Application (or other program such as Naviance, Scoir, or Parchment) or mailed to Webb Institute (Office of Admissions and Student Affairs, 298 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542). Prospective students who are selected as finalists are required to send their first quarter or trimester grades no later than the last week of November. Students applying Regular Decision should submit their first semester or trimester grades by mid-February. All applicants will be required to send their senior grades as part of their application when they become available.
Note that all applicants are required to have taken Calculus I or Calculus AB as well as Physics to enroll at Webb.
Note that transfer applicants must send both their high school and college transcripts.
Secondary School Report Form
The Secondary School Report Form is completed by the high school college counselor and provides additional context about your school that helps the Admissions Committee evaluate your application more holistically.
SAT or ACT :
Webb requires that all students submit an SAT or ACT with their application. These scores may be:
- sent to Webb directly from CollegeBoard / ACT;
- added by a counselor to a student’s transcript; or
- self-reported on the Common Application (or via screenshot to ude.bbew@snoissimda). Note that those who self-report their scores must submit an official score report if accepted and choose to enroll at Webb.
Transition to SAT/ACT-required policy: Students who prepared to apply on the basis of Webb’s prior test-optional policy should contact the Office of Admissions.
Superscoring Policy: Webb recommends that you report all of your available standardized test scores so that the Admissions Committee is certain to review the strongest score in each category, across all of the exam(s) you’ve taken. You may, however, choose to submit superscores.
Our College Board SAT code is 2970. Our ACT code is 2987.
AP Test, or IB Tests (Optional):
Standardized tests beyond the SAT or ACT are not required for admission to Webb; however, AP Exams or IB Exams, particularly those in math and the sciences, can demonstrate a student’s strengths in those areas to the Admission Committee. In those cases, we recommend that students submit these scores as part of the application process. The most popular tests submitted to Webb include: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C, IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL, IB Physics HL, IB Chemistry HL
Letters of Recommendation (3)
Webb requires applicants to submit a letter of recommendation from a high school or college counselor as well as two letters of recommendation from teachers, preferably from a math or science teacher and preferably from a student’s junior or senior year. Additional letters may be submitted if the student feels it can add a different perspective to his or her application. These additional letters can come from employers, coaches, club advisors, etc. These letters must come directly from the recommender through the Common Application website or mailed to Webb Institute (Office of Admissions and Student Affairs, 298 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542).
A copy of your birth certificate, valid US passport, or US Permanent Resident Card
To qualify for Webb’s full-tuition scholarship, students’ must submit a copy of their birth certificate, valid US Passport or US Permanent Resident Card during their overnight finalist visit to Webb.
Students who have additional work that they’d like to share with the Admissions Committee may do so by providing Webb with a link to a personal website on the Common Application or by creating an account via ZeeMee, which is a social media platform that allows students to upload videos, photos, and stories for admissions officers to see. In the past, students have shared photos or videos of a boat they are working on or racing, of their Eagle Scout Project, or of them playing music… This may all help bring your application to life for the Admissions Committee.
Required Overnight Visit:
Students who are selected as finalists are required to take part in an on-campus, overnight experience, during which the student is interviewed by our president and a faculty member, and is asked to take a short math assessment and other assessment. Note that students are not expected to study for the assessments. The math assessment includes questions that allow the Admissions Committee to gauge a student’s foundational skills in math. This includes work in Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Precalculus, and a little Calculus. Over the course of the Prospective Freshman Overnight visit, the Admissions Committee has the opportunity to get to know you even better, while also allowing you to get to know the Webb Community better!
Note that if a situation prevents a student from completing their finalist visit on campus, the student may be approved for a virtual interview and have the opportunity to complete Webb’s assessments virtually as well. Additional sessions can also be scheduled to help provide the student with a sense of the Webb experience.
Academic Preparation Requirements
To qualify for admission to Webb, you must have completed the following courses or be enrolled in them at the time of your application.
- 4 years of math (including Calculus I or Calculus AB)
- 3 years of lab sciences, including at least 1 year of physics. A year of chemistry is also recommended.
- 4 years of English
It is also recommended that students take advanced coursework (APs, IBs, etc.) wherever possible, but especially in math and the science, and/or coursework in mechanical drawing, engineering, or CAD if available.
Please note that Webb does not grant credit for AP, IB, or college courses taken prior to enrollment. Regardless of educational coursework, all students begin their college experience as first semester freshmen. To strengthen the foundational skills necessary to be successful at Webb, enrolled students are also required to take part in a Summer Learning Program, which is completed asynchronously and online in both math and grammar during the summer prior to their first semester freshman year.
Physical Requirements
All students will be issued a United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential with Student Observer classification. To meet the document’s requirement, an applicant must have the agility, strength, and flexibility to climb steep or vertical ladders; maintain balance on a moving deck; pull heavy objects, up to 50 lbs. in weight, distances of up to 400 feet; rapidly don an exposure suit; step over doorsills of 24 inches in height and open or close watertight doors that may weigh up to 56 pounds. Any condition that poses an inordinate risk of sudden incapacitation or debilitating complication, and any condition requiring medication that impairs judgment or reaction time are potentially disqualifying.
Students with disabilities should contact the Office of Admissions to determine if they can complete the academic and practical aspects of the program with reasonable accommodation. Webb reserves the right to exclude from continued class attendance or enrollment any student who, in the judgment of the administration, is not physically or mentally qualified to follow the regular curricular program.
Admissions Review Process
Each year, Webb fills the incoming class with 28 intellectually curious, tenacious, and service-oriented students who are passionate about what we do and who will contribute to our dynamic learning environment. All applications for Admission to Webb Institute are reviewed initially by the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs and then again by the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee consists of:
- President Mark Martecchini
- Director of Admissions, Alyssa Caliguri
- Assistant Director of Admissions, Kayla Green
- Dean Matthew Werner
- Professor Elena Goloubeva
- Professor Richard Harris
- Professor Adrian Onas
- Professor Mike Martin
The Admissions Committee comprehensively reviews all information—academic, extracurricular, and personal—presented in the application to determine who may be the best fit for Webb’s unique experience. Approximately 65 finalists are selected and invited to campus for an overnight visit, during which they are interviewed by President Mark Martecchini and a faculty member of the Admissions Committee and asked to take a math assessment and respond to a writing prompt. This experience also allows the finalists to get a better sense of the Webb experience, as they are given the opportunity to meet current students, sit in on classes and at times, club meetings and athletic practices, and eat meals with the Webb community. The interviews and assessments then assist the Admissions Committee in selecting the final members of the incoming class. All students are notified of their admissions decision by April 1.
Other Admissions Policies
Deferred Applicants
Due to the strength of Webb’s Early Decision pool as well as Webb’s small size, not all qualified candidates can be accepted in the Early Decision round. Typically, Webb admits approximately one third of the class Early Decision. Candidates who are not accepted in the Early Decision round but are still being considered are deferred to Webb’s Regular Decision round. Typically, between three and seven of those deferred from Early Decision will be accepted in Webb’s Regular Decision round. If you are deferred, you can always send additional information to Webb’s Office of Admissions. This can include updated grades, updated test scores, accomplishments since submitting the application, an additional letter of recommendation, etc.
For Waitlisted Applicants
Due to Webb’s small size and high yield rate, very few students above and beyond the targeted number of incoming students (28) are accepted to Webb. Because of this, Webb typically plans on using the waitlist to complete the class. In the past three years, between zero and five candidates have been admitted off the waitlist. If you are waitlisted, you can always send additional information to the admissions office. This can include updated grades, updated test scores, accomplishments since submitting the application, an additional letter of recommendation, etc. However, please note that the Admissions Committee reserves the right to make final decisions on waitlisted applications prior to receiving additional information. Materials received after a final decision will not affect that decision.
Change of Contact Information
The Admissions Committee communicates with applicants primarily through email, and at times, via the applicant’s preferred phone number listed on the Common Application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to update Webb immediately with a new email address if needed. Failure to check or update your email may result in you missing key information, which could jeopardize your admission and/or place in the class. Please note that Webb is not responsible for any technological issues (including email filters, etc.) that prevent applicants from receiving our communications.
Deferred Admission/Leave of Absence
Webb may grant admission deferrals for those who wish to take a Gap Year or Leave of Absence. Please note that these requests must be submitted by April 15.
Enrollment Deposit
By April 1st, a non-refundable enrollment deposit is required to secure your place in Webb’s incoming class. Enrollment deposits will not be refunded for any reason.
Admissions Decision Appeals
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to release a decision at any time during the application process. Students may choose to appeal the decision if new information was received by the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs after the decision was released. Note that appeals will no longer be considered after 28 commit to Webb.
Mandatory Orientation
Successful completion of Webb’s orientation is a prerequisite for enrollment at Webb. Orientation is scheduled the week before the start of classes.
Transfer Credits, AP Scores, IB Scores, etc.
Webb does not accept any transfer credits and does not provide credits for any AP or IB exams. All students begin their experience at Webb as first semester Freshmen.
Notice of Right to Change Information at Any Time
The policies, requirements, course offerings, schedules, activities, tuition, fees and calendar of the School and its departments and programs set forth on this website are subject to change without notice at any time at the sole discretion of the administration. Such changes may be of any nature, including, but not limited to, the elimination of the School, programs, program options, locations, classes or activities; the relocation or modification of the content of any of the aforementioned; and the cancellation of scheduled classes or other academic activities. Payment towards the student bill shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights set forth in this paragraph.
Policy Statement
Webb is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its relations with its faculty, students and staff members without regard to age, citizenship status, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status.