Monday Lectures

In addition to the formal courses, all students attend the Monday Lecture Series, these lectures are given by speakers on a wide variety of topics-some technical, but many on quality of life, historical, or current events topics. The Monday lecture series is designed to expand Webb students’ education in both technical and non-technical subject areas. View our current lecture schedule and watch past lectures below.

Also, once or twice a year, a formal, evening lecture of the Zeien Lectures Series is presented.

If you have a suggestion for a Monday lecture or would like to present one, please contact Dean Matthew Werner at ude.bbew@renrewm.

Fall 2024 Lecture Schedule

Date Subject Speaker
8/19/24 Welcome back President Martecchini, Dean Werner, Ms. Caliguri, Ms. Green
8/26/24 USS Thresher Dr. Steven L. Krahn, Vanderbilt University
9/2/24 Labor Day Catrionia Savage, Silverstream Technologies, RINA
9/16/24 The Future of the US Navy J. Carey Filing, Director NAVSEA 05D – Surface Ship Design & Systems Engineering
9/23/24 TBD Judge Timothy Driscoll
9/30/24 Alcohol and Drugs TBD
10/7/24 Shipbuilding Rodrigo Andrade, Eastern Shipbuilding
10/14/24 SNAME
10/25/24 The QM2 Stephen Payne
10/28/24 Sustainability Conference Webb/Kings Park
11/11/24 TBD
11/18/24 Digital/AI
11/25/24 Thanksgiving Break

Past Lectures

The Character of Truly Liberal Education

Dr. Shawn Welnak
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, LIUPost
Adjunct Professor of Political Philosophy, Webb Institute

Tunnel Thrusters: Function, Sizing, and Design

Donald Macpherson ‘80
Technical Director, HydroComp, Inc.

Stepped Planing Hulls. When Are They Appropriate?

Dr. Michael G. Morabito ‘05
Director of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, United States Naval Academy

Gary Vogel 

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.

Gary Vogel - Eagle Bulk

James (Jim) Gaughan

American Bureau Shipping (ABS)

“Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier Containment Systems’

James Gaughan

John (Jay) Edgar ’87

Naval Architect, Engineering Leader

“Building SBX: Development of the Sea-based Radar SBX-1”

John (Jay) Edgar ’87

Dr. Bob Brier

Researcher, Egyptologist

“Cleopatra’s Needles: The Lost Obelisks of Egypt”
