Webb Institute Announces Award of $100,000 in Annual Scholarships from American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

Webb Institute, proudly announces receipt from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) of $100,000 in annual scholarships supporting two students. The ABS Scholarship Program provides financial support to deserving engineering and naval architecture students based on GPA, class rank, leadership ability and recommendations.

“ABS has been a catalyst for advancing educational programs in the maritime and offshore industries throughout the U.S. and around the world,” explained the President of Webb Institute, Keith Michel. “Webb Institute is honored and grateful to be a recipient of the ABS-funded scholarships.”

The scholarships are part of a broad program at ABS that supports students in the offshore oil and gas and maritime industries.

“ABS is proud of its partnership with Webb Institute, and we welcome the opportunity to contribute in preparing graduates for maritime careers”, stated ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki, a member of Webb Institute’s Board of Trustees. “Supporting the next generation of maritime professionals is an important part of our mission at ABS,” he said, noting that the organization is pleased to be able to continue supporting Webb Institute. “We wish the scholarship winners success in their studies and in their future careers.”

Dean Richard P. Neilson announced Satchel Douglas ‘15 as the third ABS scholarship awardee, on December 6, 2013, at Webb Institute’s Annual Holiday Dinner. Satchel, a junior, serves as a Chairman for both the Leadership and Public Relations committees of the Webb Student Organization. He also is an active member of Webb’s Sailing Team. During his sophomore year, Satchel interned in the composite shop of New England Boatworks, and as a freshman, he interned in the engine room of the Kirby ATB Adriatic Sea/DBL-77.

“Satchel is an outstanding student and citizen of Webb,” stated Dean Neilson. “In addition to his Dean’s list academic performance and his many on-campus activities, Satchel leads a Webb team of volunteers at Brooklyn Boatworks. He also was one of the students selected to spend his first semester as a sophomore at the University of Southampton.  We are very proud to have Satchel as a member of our student body.”

“For more than one hundred years, ABS and Webb Institute have worked in partnership, preparing students for challenging and exciting careers in the marine industries,” stated President Michel. “Webb Institute is most appreciative of ABS’ support.”

About ABS

Founded in 1862, ABS is a leading international classification society devoted to promoting the security of life, property and the marine environment through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of marine-related facilities.