4aBetterBusiness Founder, President Paul Vragel ’72 to Deliver Monday Lecture at Webb

On Monday, March 6, 2017, Founder and President of 4aBetterBusiness Paul Vragel ’72 is scheduled to speak to students as part of Webb’s Monday Lecture Series.  Vragel will address students on the topic, “Using Systems Engineering to Achieve Transformational Business Results.”

Based on transformational results achieved by 4aBetterBusiness in manufacturing, distribution and B2B services companies, the presentation will cover the core insights that enable transformational results, an example of systems engineering applied to a design and manufacturing company, implementation issues to ensure management and employee buy-in, tools that can be used immediately, and resources for further reference and investigation by the students.

More about 4aBetterBusiness:

4aBetterBusiness is a leading implementation-based consultancy, founded in 1989, that works side-by-side with management and employees and achieves transformational results through operations, in areas including valuation, growth, profitability, customer satisfaction and employee engagement.  Results include increased valuation 75% within 18 months in company sale to a Fortune 500 buyer, implemented scalable processes that supported and enabled doubling sales and tripling profits in 18 months, including first business with Toyota within 12 months, increased earnings 30% within 6 months, without layoffs or capital expenditure, increased customer satisfaction 15% within 9 months and achieved a record number of Perfect Attendance Awards.  For more information, visit www.4abetterbusiness.com

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