Setting a New Fundraising Record!

by Jake M. Neuman ’93
Chairman of the Webb Alumni Fund

This year’s Webb Alumni Fund (WAF) total of $2,588,845 raised surpassed our previous record giving of $2,561,658 in 2019-20, the final year of the Campaign for Webb. We achieved 70.3% participation, after some strong outreach at the bitter end. We accomplished this unprecedented giving level despite a strong headwind—the ExxonMobil  Foundation ended their matching program which provided approximately $190,000 in WAF 2018-19. Well done Webb alumni! A special thank you to Exxon/Mobil employees who contributed above and beyond their usual contribution levels to maximize the final year of the ExxonMobil Foundation match.

We, as an alumni body, have to encourage our classmates, colleagues and fellow alumni to contribute annually, and keep up our nation-leading, “eye popping” participation rates, so that other foundations, corporations and other philanthropists are inspired to make similar investments in Webb. Keeping our participation at 70% in recent years has been very challenging.     

Class Agents demonstrated  their dedication by participation in the 2024 Class Agent Forum, which took place during Webb’s Homecoming Weekend. 27 Class Agents joined in person or via Zoom on Friday, May 17th & Saturday, May 18th. Several topics were covered, including Class Agent outreach that worked well, and identifying ways to customize communications where a “one-size approach does not fit all.” After all, Webb has approximately 1,100 alumni who are diverse in age and geographic location. One point of focus was the “Week for Webb” giving concept that is supported by many and has growing support.

A huge thanks to the Class Agents and the Development Office for their time and efforts dedicated to the Webb Alumni Fund; students for their outreach during the thank-a-thon and phone-a-thon; and spouses and honorary alumni. The success of the WAF truly is a team effort, thank you! 

In 2024-2025, our WAF goals are to collectively contribute $2,500,000 from 71% of alumni. This is an achievable goal given that our all-time highs—an average gift of $2,587 and 76.4% participation—were both recorded during the past 10 years. Meeting these goals will mean that we not only commit by making a gift, but also inspire fellow alumni to give.

Some of the key ingredients that helped to make the WAF 2023-24 a success were special class/reunion fundraising initiatives including:

  • Class of ′23: all but one senior participated by contributing room security deposits to assist relocation of the laundry room into the STH blue room
  • Class of ′63: (two-year project): has secured $30,030 to in restricted gifts for the establishment of a room and board scholarship fund
  • Class of ′73: (two-year project): Over $151,000 has been received by Webb to date; renovations are targeted for Summer 2025
  • Class of ′74: led by Class Agent Steve Judson, raised $25,740 to sponsor the recently completed Art Preservation Project



You can have a big impact on the future of our fundraising success by:

Maximizing your current giving levels – The WAF average gift is $3,136 and the median gift is $1,000. Maybe these are goals you can strive for or comfortably exceed, depending on your circumstances. Are you giving “a Week for Webb?” If you already are, would you consider increasing your gift? 

Giving EARLIER in the giving year – Too many alumni wait until the end of the giving year, creating significant peak work for Class Agents, the Development staff and myself. Consider giving by or before Webb Giving Day (Homecoming). This will streamline our workload AND we can raise more money by focusing on alumni that either don’t give regularly or have not yet given at all.

Serving as an ambassador for the WAF and Webb – Help your fellow Class Agents by encouraging classmates to maximize their giving, and to give as early in the giving year as possible. Sharing your giving strategies (monthly giving, gifts of stock, gifts leveraging donor advised funds, charitable distributions from your IRA, etc.) may inspire a new gift or new giving levels from your peers!

For the PDF File, Click Here | Did You Know?

For the PDF file click here | 2023-24 Webb Alumni Fund Class Giving Summary P.1 


For the PDF file click here| 2023-24 Webb Alumni Fund Class Giving Summary P.2